3 Reasons To Outsource Software Development Projects

Software Development Projects

To outsource or not to outsource – this is the question many businesses face sooner or later. When talking about developing a software application, things get a little bit clearer though, as hiring an in-house IT department can be rather expensive and even inefficient if you’re only planning to develop a one-off project – therefore, outsourcing software development might be the winning option as it takes the weight off your shoulders and brings along countless benefits that increase the productivity of your business. Let’s look into the top 3 reasons why you should outsource software development projects:

1. Reduce software development cost

One of the biggest benefits of outsourcing software development is the cost-saving aspect of it. In fact, based on a survey by Deloitte, about 70% of companies choose to outsource precisely for this reason: to reduce development costs. Depending on whether you choose a nearshore or offshore outsourcing company, it is possible to reduce the software development costs by several times – for example, outsourcing in Eastern Europe can be three or four times less expensive than outsourcing in the US. But have no worries – even though the total cost of the project will be significantly lower, you will still benefit from a high-quality software development team as it’s normal for the wage differences to reflect in the total cost of a project.

Cutting costs does not limit only to paying a lower fee for a project, but also to not having to deal with all the processes associated with recruiting new talent – from hosting interviews, to paying wages, taxes, holidays, training, expenses for equipment and workspaces, and so on. All of this will be taken care of by the outsourced software development company you hire instead of your company. According to a study, businesses cut down their costs up to 50-60% when they choose to outsource software development.

2. Save time

You know what they say: time is money. And this very much applies in the recruiting process, so why not save time and cut costs even further by gaining access to expert developers in outsourced teams instead of spending weeks or even months to find and hire them? According to Glassdoor, the average length of a job interview process for hiring one person is 23.7 days – and this does not include posting the vacancy, going through CVs and calling up candidates.

But you can save most of that time by outsourcing – the whole process of hiring a software outsourcing team is usually quicker than the time it takes to hire a single in-house developer.

3. Gain access to the latest technological innovations and most talented development teams

With this rapid pace of technology development we’ve seen in the past years, not even tech companies are able to keep up and always have access to the latest innovations. However, most software development companies are forced to invest in the latest tools in order to keep being relevant and to ensure a high-quality deployment. So, if you want your target market to enjoy ultra-modern features but you don’t want to invest in the latest technology, outsourcing your software development is the way.

Outsourcing to a company like Redbee Software will guarantee you access to the latest tools and technologies, but will also give you access to a larger talent pool as their team of highly-skilled software developers can ensure smooth web or mobile app development even though they might be located at the other side of the world from you. Companies that offer outsourcing services involve their entire HR department in finding some of the best software developers in the world with a wide range of skillsets, providing training opportunities and keeping them satisfied, so why miss the chance to tap into this immense talent pool?

Choosing to outsource your software development projects comes with many amazing benefits while allowing you to focus on your core business strategy and let your in-house team do the tasks that really matter. What do you think is the ultimate benefit of outsourcing in the IT industry?